A lot of today's malware goes to great lengths to avoid notice. But some viruses exhibit symptoms that might as well be a banner advertising the infection. Here are a few of the most common tell-tale symptoms of a virus infection. >> Symptoms of a Virus Infection
Remove spyware and adware to protect your online privacy. Learn which spyware removal tools are actually rogue spyware programs to be avoided.
miercuri, 19 ianuarie 2011
marți, 18 ianuarie 2011
Ransomware Trojan Back with a Vengeance
Ransomware trojans typically encrypt the data on your computer's hard drive and then demand payment to recover the files. Today, Kaspersky Labs has reported the discovery of a new variant of ransomware that's even more insidious than previous versions were. As Vitaly Kamluk of Kaspersky Labs explains, "Unlike the previous variants, it doesn't delete files after encryption. Instead it overwrites data in the files, which makes it impossible to use data-recovery software such as PhotoRec, which we suggested during the last attack."
Your best defense against ransomware trojans is prevention. If you do get infected with this latest variant, the first symptom will be a sudden pop-up from Notepad demanding payment. If you see this, you have only seconds to react. For details on that pop-up and what to do if you see it, visit the Kaspersky Labs blog.
Data Breaches Galore
Dan Goodin of El Reg has penned quite an interesting background article on a series of recent breaches that have exposed customer data. The breaches include McDonald's, Walgreens, and deviantART but there may be as many as 100 - and all seem to have a common thread. For details, see: Feds Probe '100 Site' Data Breach.
In an unrelated compromise, this past weekend Gawker Media reported a breach of their servers. In the Gawker incident (which included Gawker, Lifehacker, io9, Jalopnik, Kotaku, Deadspin, and Fleshbot), the attackers stole ~1.3 million usernames and passwords used to login to those sites and published them online.
While the passwords were encrypted, the method of encryption was not as strong as it should have been. Weak encryption combined with weak passwords allowed for quick cracking of about a third of the list in a few hours time. An additional 200k were cracked shortly thereafter.
The ease with which this was done is particularly problematic for those who use the same username/password combination across multiple sites. And because the email address was stored along with the username and password for the Gawker accounts, if the same password was used for that email account it could be compromised as well.
Given the expanding risk that can result from a single compromise, it would be nice to see security standards adopted that mandate collecting sites also encrypt stored email addresses. And that strong encryption be required.
In the meantime, you can protect yourself by:
Establishing a junk email account that is only used for supplying an email address for site sign-ins that require it.Ensuring the same password is not used across multiple sites. While remembering dozens of passwords may seem complicated, there are easy tricks you can use to simplify password management.Use strong passwords. Ideally, a password should be 14 characters (or longer) and a mix of alphanumeric characters and symbols, some in caps. This may seem difficult to remember, but there are tips you can follow to keep your passwords close at hand for easy recall but still safe from prying eyes.luni, 17 ianuarie 2011
Cum putem sterge fisierele dintr-un PC in functie de data la care au fost create
Atunci cand lucram cu un numar foarte mare de fisiere (indiferent de tipul acestora), implicit ajungem si in situatii in care ori ne incurcam in denumirea acestora, ori pierdem prea mult timp pana gasimfisierele care ne trebuiesc. Pentru a evita astfel de probleme, cel mai indicat este sa ne pastram arhiva curata stergand toate fisierele vechi, de care stim sigur ca nu mai avem nevoie.
Atunci cand dorim sa facem ordine in fisierele stocate pe computer, mai ales in cazul in care acestea au denumiri asemanatoare, este recomandata stergerea acestora in functie de data la care au fost create/downloadate/salvate. Delete by Date este o aplicatie gratuita care ajuta utilizatorii sa scape rapid de datele nefolositoare stocate in sistem, identificarea acestora fiind facuta pe baza unor criterii bine definite:
in functie de data la care au fost create/modificate/accesate (de exemplu, putem sterge toate fisierele create la o anumita data)in functie de perioada in care au fost create/modificate/accesate (cum ar fi toate fisierele accesate intr-un anumit interval de timp/zile)in functie de tipul fisierului (cum ar fi toate fisierele pdf modifcate dupa o anumta data)in functie de dimensiunea (marimea) fisierelor (ex: toate fisierele txt create inainte de o anumita data, cu marimea mai mare/mai mica/egala cu 15KB)In plus, aplicatia ofera utilizatorilor sai si posibilitatea de a bloca accesul altor persoane la aceasta, pentru a impiedica stergerea fisierelor fara acordul acestora.
Download Delete Files by Date v1.0.
Nota: Aplicatie compatibila cu toate versiunile de Windows XP, Windows Vista si Windows 7.
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New Year; Same Old Security Woes
It's now 2011 and many folks are brimming with resolve to quit some habit, go on a diet, or exercise more. Still others will look to the year ahead and try to predict what comes next for us. But resolutions are made to be broken and even the best intended predictions have a 50% or better chance of not coming true. There are, however, some absolutes. Here's a list of things you can count on happening in 2011.
Some celebrity's Twitter account will be hacked and their tweets will point to malware-laden websites;Someone you don't even know will try to 'friend' you on Facebook so they can spam you with socially engineered malware;A malicious email will pretend to be a breaking news alert;You'll receive a greeting card from a stranger with a link that points to a malicious website;Someone from Nigeria or South Africa will claim a long lost relative or complete stranger has left you lots of money, then ask you to pay some fees in order to receive the (bogus) funds;You'll receive a bogus job offer that promises instant cash with no qualification requirements other than having a bank account and a pulse;You'll receive an email claiming you've won some non-existent Internet lottery - and once again ask you for fees for the (bogus) funds.This year, make a pact with yourself to not fall victim to yesteryear's social engineering scams. After all, you'll have plenty of other security mishaps to deal with in 2011 without adding getting scammed to the mix. For sure, you can also bet that in 2011:
Search engine trending topics will be repeatedly poisoned with links to malicious websites;Tens of thousands of legitimate websites will be repeatedly compromised;Malicious ads will be repeatedly distributed through bona fide and perfectly innocent websites;New security vulnerabilities will be repeatedly discovered, released, and quickly exploited - often by the same folks that discovered them.Fortunately, you don't need to reinvent the wheel to protect yourself. Following these 2010 New Years Resolutions will keep you safer in 2011, both online and off.
duminică, 16 ianuarie 2011
Dezactivare Opera System Tray Icon
Cei care folosesc in mod frecvent internet browser-ul Opera, au observat probabil ca odata cu lansarea versiunii Opera 11 pentru Windows, a aparut "by default" si iconita "Opera" in system tray atunci cand deschidem browser-ul.
Pana la aceasta versiune, iconita Opera din system tray era optionala. Fiecare utilizator o putea activa sau dezactiva din setarile browser-ului.
Cum putem elimina iconita de la Opera din system tray – Disable Opera System Tray Icon
Daca va deranjeaza aceasta iconita in system tray, atunci va trebui sa urmati cativa pasi foarte simpli pentru a scapa de ea.
1. In primul rand va trebui sa deschideti Opera browser si in address bar (bara unde de regula tastam adresele site-urilor) sa tastati:
Apasati Enter si se va deschide "Preferences Editor". De aici aveti acces la toate setarile browser-ului. Mult mai multe decat cele oferite de meniu.
2. In bara de search "Quick find", tastati "tray" si o sa apara automat optiunea "Show Tray Icon". Debifati casuta din dreptul ei, apoi click pe "Save".
3. Inchideti si redeschideti browser-ul pentru a se aplica modificarea facuta.
Dupa repornire o sa observati ca iconita Opera din system tray a disparut.
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Repara sistemele afectate de virusi cu Re-Enable (Windows only)
Utilizatorii Windows care nu au avut niciodata probleme cu virusii, trojanii si alte animale gen cel mai probabil sunt o specie pe cale de disparitie sau, ceva mai plauzibil, nu au mai mult de cateva ore (si deja e mult) de cand au facut cunostinta pentru prima data cu un computer. Restul de utilizatori, care au fost vizitati de cel putin doua ori de diverse tipuri de malware (pentru ca si cei vizitati o singura data tot pe cale de disparitie sunt) stiu cat de dificil este sa salvezi un sistem dupa ce acesta a fost virusat. Chiar daca musafirii nepoftiti sunt identificati si “evacuati”, de cele mai multe ori lasa in urma lor registrii afectati si fisiere de sistem corupte care pot da mare bataie de cap. Si cum luarea la mana a fiecaruia dintre acestia este extrem de migaloasa si stresanta, de cele mai multe ori se opteaza pentru o reinstalare de Windows.
Re-Enable este o aplicatie gratuita, disponibila si sub forma de installer si portabila, cu ajutorul careia userii care au sistemele afectate de virusi pot reactiva majoritatea tool-urilor si a functiilor vitale pentru Windows:
Windows RegistryCommand Line ToolWindows Task ManagerSystem Restore ConfigFolder OptionsRun commandMy ComputerTask SchedulerRight Click Context menuMsConfig (valabil doar pentru XP)Control PanelSearchDe asemenea Re-Enable permite scanarea, editarea si stergerea fisierelor Autorun.inf, modificarea fisierelor de protocol, a hosturilor, a retelelor, a atributelor folderelor si a statusului serviciilor de sistem; ajuta la repararea iconurilor corupte de pe Desktop sau a background-urilor acestuia; repara problemele de Startup a explorer.exe; afiseaza partitiile ascunse etc.
In concluzie, chiar daca momentan noul antivirus nu v-a dezamagit sau ati invatat sa fiti mai precauti, iar Windowsul vostru nu “sufera” de nici o boala, nu strica sa tineti Re-Enable pe aproape pentru orice eventualitate. V-ar putea salva de o reinstalare fortata a sistemului de operare si de ceva timp pierdut. ;)
Download Re-Enable.
Nota: Re-Enable nu tine loc de antivirus, scanner antimalware sau orice alt software de acest gen. Inainte sa folositi aceasta aplicatie pentru a repara diverse componente Windows corupte/defecte, asigurati-va ca ati identificat cauzele problemelor si ca ati curatat deja computerul de virusii care l-au bagat la reanimare.
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sâmbătă, 15 ianuarie 2011
Cum sa modifici marimea default a fonturilor in Windows 7
Probabil exista destui utilizatori Windows 7 care nu sunt multumiti de marimea default a scrisului/fontului in acest sistem de operare, din motive mai mult sau mai putin variate (cel mai posibil medicale). Daca va aflati intr-o situatie asemanatoare si doriti sa customizati marimea default a fonturilor in Windows 7 (fie ca doriti sa o mariti sau sa o micsorati), puteti realiza acest lucru foarte usor, urmarind instructiunile de mai jos:
dati click-dreapta pe orice portiune libera de pe Desktop si selectati Personalize din meniul afisat (de asemenea, puteti deschide Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Personalization)
Vi se va cere sa dati Log Off pentru ca modificarile sa aiba efect, iar dupa ce va veti loga din nou, veti observa ca marimea fontului va fi ajustata dupa noile setari.
In cazul in care nu sunteti multumiti de modificari, puteti sa reluati pasii de mai sus pana cand veti ajunge la dimensiunea dorita.
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Operation Payback: Misguided Missiles
Unless you've been living under a rock the past couple of weeks, you've no doubt heard of Julian Assange, WikiLeaks, and the leaking of U.S. State Department cables. The cables released thus far have contained only mildly titillating information - the sort of gossipy details one might overhear at a dinner party. But the fallout from the leaking of the cables has been anything but mild.
The pro-WiklLeaks camp seems to view Assange as some sort of international Robin Hood - stealing secrets from 'the man' and relaying them to the masses for the common good. That vein has proved popular with many in the media, some of whom Assange favored with advanced copies of the State Department cables. Arguments in defense of Assange range from freedom of speech to the rights of journalistic protection. Ironically, by sending the stolen cables to the journalists (and those journalists subsequently publishing them), Assange's defense under the journalistic freedom argument becomes that much stronger. (And some might argue is the reason Assange took this approach).
Those opposed to the leaks question the perception of Assange's altruism, citing essays written by Assange that seem to layout a premeditated plan for annihilating the U.S. by crippling information sharing. As an example, an excerpt from? "Conspiracy as Governance", a December 2006 essay written by Assange, reads:
"Consider what would happen if one of these parties gave up their mobile phones, fax and email correspondence -- let alone the computer systems which manage their subscribes, donors, budgets, polling, call centres and direct mail campaigns? They would immediately fall into an organizational stupor and lose to the other."
In short, the critics say, the entire WikeLeaks organization was founded not out of a desire for freedom of information, but rather to do the exact opposite - stifle the flow of information such that it would disrupt governments and economies.
The Internet War Zone
The divided camps are waging their battle in an all too predictable fashion - waging denial of service (DoS) attacks against sites from the opposing faction. The initial DoS was launched by a hacker who uses the moniker The Jester and posted via his Twitter feed:
www.wikileaks.org - TANGO DOWN - for attempting to endanger the lives of our troops, 'other assets' & foreign relations #wikileaks #fail
Shortly after the WikiLeaks DoS subsided, Amazon severed hosting for WikiLeaks.org and EveryDNS delisted the domain registration. Other sanctions quickly followed: PayPal froze the account used to funnel contributions to Assange / WikiLeaks and authorities in Sweden froze Assange accounts held in that country. Given that Assange is already the subject of an international manhunt stemming from charges of? sexual misconduct, the loss of access to funds and the constant need to move WikiLeaks certainly must be taking some toll on its founder.
In response, the pro-WikiLeaks camp struck back in a series of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks launched against PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, and various other sites that have either taken action against Assange and/or WikiLeaks or publishing anything remotely critical of Assange / WikiLeaks.
Collateral Damage
The fallout could be rather substantial. The flash mob style participants in the DDoS attacks are likely predominantly a bunch of underage teens driven by the sort of quick impulsive reactions common to that age. Call them hactivists or vandals if you will, but the unfortunate side effect of an always-on Internet connection is that there is little barrier to action. And with little barrier to action, there's precious little time to think things through and reconsider one's actions.
Unfortunately, there are legal repercussions to be had in the hangover stage. Thus far, at least one 16-year-old boy has been arrested for his part (one of only thousands) in clicking through and participating in the attacks. Collateral damage is, of course, also being experienced by the site owners, employees, and customers of the sites and services under attack.
And what of Bradley Manning, the military intelligence soldier that leaked the cables in the first place? Allegedly, his initial actions stemmed from discovering the now notorious Baghdad helicopter footage and realizing that the gunned down parties were innocent bystanders. In a Daniel Ellsberg (aka The Pentagon Papers) style maneuver, Manning sent the footage to WikiLeaks. Was he then encouraged or manipulated by Assange in some way, enticed into procuring the cables and other sensitive information? We may never know.
Other victims of cablegate include innocent non-political parties mentioned in the cables, detailing events about their lives that could potentially harm themselves or their relatives.
And even more collateral victims may arise when Assange begins releasing his next treasure trove of ill-gotten information, this time involving corporations. While minimizing the potential for damage that disclosure could cause, in a slight of mouth double-speak Assange notes that the material could "take down a bank or two".
Indeed, you might even be collateral damage without your realization. DDoS attackers frequently employ botnets to control bot-infected PCs in order to launch attacks against others. Now's a good time to run a full system scan with up-to-date antivirus, before the authorities come knocking at your door.
vineri, 14 ianuarie 2011
Ammyy.com Scam
Someone claiming to be from Microsoft phones you at home and tells you their logs are picking up an infection from your computer. To gain credibility, the phone scammer may give you easily discoverable information, such as your name, address, and phone number - stuff available to any random telemarketer or scam caller with a couple of bucks to spend.
Once they've gained your attention, this bogus Microsoft 'tech' then instructs you to open Event Viewer and says that any errors reflected in that log are 'proof' of a virus. The scammer then directs you to ammyy.com and tells you to run the tool and give them the ID it provides, after which they're now able to get complete remote access to your PC.
Anyone can dial a number and claim to be someone else; The real Microsoft doesn't call their customers to report virus infections;Never run any unknown program or install any remote access tool for someone unless you are 100% certain of their identity and trustworthiness.Ammyy.com advertises ammyy.exe as a remote access and file sharing tool. In malware terms, programs that do that without your permission are known as backdoors, password stealers, and data theft trojans. While Ammyy may have legitimate purpose when used between two *very* trusted parties, when Ammyy is used by a scammer, it's nothing more than a thief's tool.
Your best defense? Use the same trick you use with other unwanted callers - hang up the phone.
World of Warcraft Holiday Scams
With Christmas and New Year's nearly upon us, many folks will be enjoying some much needed downtime. Part of that relaxation may involve playing? WoW (World of Warcraft) - particularly given that the highly anticipated expansion, Cataclysm, was recently released. Unfortunately, while you're enjoying a little downtime on WoW, the scammers will be working overtime in an attempt to trick you into installing a keylogger designed to compromise your Battle.net account login credentials.
Remember, there are times when it's good to be a Grinch. Don't share your username and password with anyone, even friends and family members. And don't fall for scams that try to trick you into divulging it either. Be suspicious of any email claiming to be from Blizzard or Battle.net, and don't believe any in-game missive claiming to be from a GM. To enjoy Winter Veil without the holiday hassle of online scammers, be on the lookout for these popular World of Warcraft Scams.
joi, 13 ianuarie 2011
Export Contacts, Mails, Notes, Tasks & Appointments din Outlook Office 2003, 2007 & 2010. Office Add-Ins
Zilele trecute am avut nevoie sa export contactele din Microsoft Office 2010 pe un telefon Sony-Ericsson cu sistem de operare propriu. Nu mica mi-a fost surprinderea sa constat ca in configaratia default, Microsoft Outlook Office 2010 nu imi permite sa export toate contactele simultan decat in format .TXT. (Select all contacts > File > Save As…). Format text care nu ma ajuta prea mult sa-mi copiez contactele din Outlook in agenda telefonului.
Daca selectam toate contactele (Ctrl+A) din Outlook 2010 Contacts, apasam Ctrl+C (Copy) si apoi Ctrl+V (Pate) intr-un folder, observam ca am reusit un export de contacte in format .MSG.
Formatul .MSG este inteles de majoritatea telefoanelor mobile care au sisteme de operare Windows Mobile, Symbian sau Android, insa pe un telefon cu sistem de operare noname (propriu) putem avea neplacuta surpriza ca formatul .MSG sa nu fie inteles.
Cum putem exporta contactele, mail-urile, notitele si agenda din Microsoft Office 2010, intr-un format inteles de telefonul mobil sau de o alta aplicatie.
Outlook Data Export (v1.3.0.13) este o aplicatie (add-in) pentru Microsoft Outlook 2007 (compatibila 2003, 2010) care ne ajuta sa exportam datele (mail, contact, appointment, task, note, journal, mobile items & RSS feeds) din Outlook in formatele: Unicode MSG, MSG, DOC, TXT, RTF, HTML, MHTML, OFT, CSV, XML, ICS, VCS, VCF.
Cum instalam si cum utilizam Outlook Data Export (v1.3.0.13) in Microsoft Outlook 2010.
1. In primul rand va trebui sa descarcam si sa instalam aplicatia.
Download Outlook Data Export – (v1.3.0.13)
2. Deschidem Outlook-ul, mergem la tab-ul Add-Ins, iar de acolo facem click pe Outlook data export.
3. Selectam din lista care se deschide la "Outlook data export" ce anume ne intereseaza sa exportam. Mail-uri, contacte, tasks, notes sau agenda.
In cazul meu, aveam nevoie sa export simultan toate contactele de pe Outlook Office 2010 in format vCard.
4. Daca alegem sa exportam contactele, dupa ce facem click pe "Export contacts" se va deschide "Outlook Contact Export", care ne ofera posibilitatea sa exportam toate contactele in formatele : MSG, MSG Unicode, vCard, RTF, TXT, CSV sau XML.
Alegem un folder in care sa fie exportate contactele, formatul in care dorim sa se faca exportul si facem click pe "Start Export".
Dupa ce se finalizeaza procesul de export, mergem in folderul in care am cerut sa fie salvate contactele ca sa vedem rezultatul final.
Eu am folosit Outlook Data Export v1.3.0.13 (versiune dezvoltata pentru Office Outlook 2007) pe Microsoft Office 2010, insa pentru aceasta versiune de Office exista si o versiune de Outlook Data Export care se aflta in versiune Beta.
Outlook Data Export 2.0 Features:
* Support of Outlook 2010
* Simple export of all items
* New, simplified user interface
* Export of journal items, mobile items and RSS feeds
* 32bit and 64bit installation files
* More stable core
Download Outlook Data Export – v.2.0
Outlook Data Export 2.0 este compatibila pe Outlook 2007/2010 32/64bit .
Stealth Settings – Export contact, appointment, task, note, journal, mobile items & RSS feeds in Microsoft Outlook Office 2007 & 2010.
Export Contacts, Mails, Notes, Tasks & Appointments din Outlook Office 2003, 2007 & 2010. Office Add-Ins · Stealth Settings
The Gift that Keeps on Giving
Josh Smith of Notebooks.com set out on a perfectly innocent holiday endeavor - decorating the Christmas tree. But when he tried to use the digital photo ornament he received as a gift last year, he discovered he was getting more than the giver intended. Josh's present came pre-infected with an autorun worm, an all too frequent occurrence with digital photo frames.
If you're planning to buy someone a digital photo frame for Christmas this year, you might want to also give the intended recipient a gift of antivirus software. And if you're the recipient, make sure your own antivirus is up-to-date.
miercuri, 12 ianuarie 2011
Cum sa cream o lista drop-down in Microsoft Excel
Pentru a introduce datele mai usor intr-un fisier Excel sau pentru a limita intrarile la un numar de itemuri definit deja, puteti sa creati o lista drop-down (vizibila doar cand celula sub care este creata este activa), compilata din mai multe celule aflate pe aceeasi foaie de lucru sau pe o foaie de lucru diferita. Dupa ce lista drop-down este creata pentru o anumita celula, aceasta afiseaza o sageata in jos langa celula respectiva. Daca dati click pe sageata, lista de intrari valide va fi afisata, iar daca doriti sa introduceti informatii in celula sub care este creata lista, dati click pe oricare dintre intrarile valide din lista.
Pentru a crea o lista drop-down in Excel dintr-un anumit numar de celule este necesar sa folositi comanda Data Validation, aflata sub tab-ul Data.
1. Creati o lista drop-down alcatuita din intrari aflate pe aceeasi foaie de lucru (worksheet)
Sa presupunem ca doriti sa creati o lista cu muzica dvs preferata in functie de numele artistilor preferati:
introduceti numele artistilor intr-o singura coloana, fara a lasa randuri libere intre acestea (de exemplu, de la A1 la An, in functie de numarul de artisti introdus)pe o coloana diferita introduceti numele pe care vreti sa-l dati listei, de exemplu Muzicape coloana din stanga (sau dreapta) acesteia, introduceti cu un rand mai jos, informatia in functie de care doriti sa catalogati muzica, de exemplu Artistselectati celula aflata imediat sub Muzica (si imediat in stanga sau dreapta celulei Artist), apoi dati click pe tab-ul Data (aflat in ribbon – portiunea ingusta alcatuita din butoane si iconuri, aflata de-asupra spatiului de lucru)in sectiunea Data Tools, dati click pe Data Validation, apoi selectati Data Validation din meniul afisat
2. Creati o lista drop-down alcatuita din intrari aflate pe o foaie de lucru diferita de cea pe care va aparea lista
Sa presupunem ca doriti sa creati o lista drop-down care sa contina diferite genuri de muzica:
selectati in partea de jos a fisierului Excel foaia de lucru pe care veti introduce intrarile ce vor alcatui lista drop-down (de exemplu Sheet2)pe o singura coloana, introduceti genurile de muzica care doriti sa fie afisate in lista, fara a lasa randuri goale intre intrariselectati (drag-select) toate celulele care contin intrari, apoi dati click pe Name Box (aflat in partea stanga-sus a fisierului, intre ribbon si foaia de lucru), introduceti un nume general pentru toate intrarile (de exemplu muzica), si apasati tasta EnterOptional puteti adauga o descriere a listei drop-down create, aceasta fiind vizibila doar cand celula sub care este creata lista este activa. Dati click pe Data > Data Validation > Data Validation si mergeti la tab-ul Input Message. Scrieti descrierea in campul de sub Input message (maxim 225 caractere), adaugati titlul acesteia (doar daca vreti) si dati click pe OK.
Pentru a sterge o lista drop-down, selectati celula sub care aceasta este creata, dati click pe tab-ul Data > Data Validation > Data Validation, apoi dati click pe butonul Clear All si pe OK.
Nota: Valabil pentru Microsoft Excel 2007 si Microsoft Excel 2010.
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Craciun Fericit!
Craciun fericit alaturi de cei dragi!
Autori: Stealth si Stealth Settings.
AdvertisementsAVAST, Ye Pirates!
Apparently even the Vatican does it - along with 774,649 others. The what? They've all been using stolen license keys for the Pro version of AVAST antivirus. The key, licensed to an unnamed company located in Arizona, somehow wound up on various file sharing sites. AVAST noticed that the particular license key was being used far too many times and decided to take a wait-and-see approach.
"We made a decision to see just how viral this one license for avast! Pro Antivirus could be. The answer is 'very'," said Vince Steckler, CEO of AVAST Software. "Now we are in the process of converting these pirates over to legal products."
According to a press release issued by AVAST, "the license has been used in over 200 countries ranging from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe" (including the two in Vatican City). The company is now in the process of popping up alerts on the stolen copies, offering to convert them to a legitimate version.
What makes this story particularly ironic is that Avast has always offered a free version of their Avast Antivirus. So remember, thou shalt not steal and if you can't afford antivirus software, there are plenty of free antivirus from which to choose. And for those who did steal, be grateful that AVAST has a sense of humor.
marți, 11 ianuarie 2011
AVG Crash: How to Recover
Many users have reported a system crash resulting from an AVG update published on December 1. The update causes the computer to continually reboot and even booting into Safe Mode will not help. The solution to the AVG crash is to boot from a rescue CD and rename the AVG folder, after which the system should boot normally. (For step-by-step instructions, see How to Disable AVG When It Crashes Your Computer).
According to AVG, the problem mostly impacts x64 users of Windows 7 - though a search of forums indicates other operating systems may have been impacted as well.
AVG claims the problem resulted from improper inclusion of some untested files in the 12-1 update package. This does bring concerns for chain of custody to mind - hopefully something they will take steps to rectify in forthcoming releases.
Cum putem identifica si sterge toate folderele goale din Windows
Folderele goale (care nu contin nici un fisier) vor fi mereu intalnite pe sistemele de operare Windows (si nu numai). Este inevitabil. Oricat de ordonati am fi si oricat de des am aranja si rearanja datele stocate pe hdd(-uri), la un moment dat ori vom apasa un New Folder din greseala, ori vom sterge diverse fisiere fara a mai verifica daca si folderul care le-a continut a avut aceeasi soarta, ori vom crea foldere noi cu anumite scopuri pentru ca mai apoi sa abandonam task-urile sau pur si simplu sa uitam de folderele sau scopurile respective, ori vom dezinstala o aplicatie care nu ne mai este de folos dar care va lasa ceva amintiri prin folderele de sistem (cele mai multe foldere goale sunt create astfel) etc. Cert este ca de cele mai multe ori numarul de foldere fara continut (care nu contin nici un fisier) ajunge sa fie destul de impresionant, ceea ce face identificarea si stergerea acestora pe rand si manual un task dificil si obositor.
Empty Folder Remover este o aplicatie gratuita care ajuta utilizatorii Windows sa scape de toate folderele goale existente in sistem la un moment dat (moment dupa care acestea vor incepe sa se adune din nou :D).
Aplicatia scaneaza folderele sursa (acestea putand fi selectate de user) si identifica toate folderele/directoarele fara continut din acestea, pentru ca apoi sa scape de ele cu un singur click (toate folderele goale vor fi selectate by default).
Download Empty Folder Remover v1.0.
Nota: Aplicatie compatibila cu toate versiunile de Windows XP, Windows Vista si Windows 7.
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luni, 10 ianuarie 2011
Download Microsoft Security Essentials 2.0 (Final Version)
La 5 luni dupa lansarea versiunii beta a popularului antivirus Security Essentials, Microsoft lanseaza in sfarsit si versiunea finala a acestuia.
Microsoft Security Essentials 2.0 vine la pachet cu cateva caracteristici si functii noi, cum ar fi:
un nou motor anti-malware (heuristic) dotat cu o putere de detectare mult mai mare si care are capabilitatea de a curata mult mai eficient sistemele (nu se bazeaza doar pe updateurile definitiilor despre virusi pentru a detecta noi potentile pericole),integrarea in Internet Explorer (pentru a putea bloca scripturile periculoase chiar dinainte ca acestea sa fie rulate) si compatibilitatea excelenta cu Windows Firewall (permite activarea si/sau dezactivarea firewall-ului direct din interfata antivirusului),De asemenea, MSE 2.0 se integreaza in retea, monitorizand traficul fara a afecta performanta PC-urilor, in felul acesta detectand potentialele pericole inainte ca acestea sa ajunga in computere.
Download Microsoft Security Essentials 2.0 (versiune finala)
Daca deja folositi acest antivirus, cel mai probabil veti primi o notificare care va va cere sa faceti upgradeul. Daca nu folositi MSE, poate ca este timpul sa incercati si dvs acest antivirus, gratuit pentru utilizatorii Windows cu licenta genuine. Posibil sa deveniti fani. ;)
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Cum identificam toate fisierele sau folderele ascunse pe un sistem (Windows only)
Cea mai utilizata (desi nu cea mai sigura) metoda de a pastra secrete diverse fisiere personale (sau nu) este aceea de ascundere a acestora. Cum putem ascunde un fisier (sau chiar un folder intreg)? Foarte simplu, accesand proprietatile acestuia (click-dreapta pe fisier/folder > Properties) si bifand casuta din dreptul Hidden (parta de jos a ferestrei). Pentru a vizualiza apoi fisierele ascunse, trebuie sa accesam Folder Options (in XP dam click pe Tools in Menu bar in My Computer; in Vista si 7 dam click pe Organize in Windows Explorer), apoi, in tab-ul View selectam Show hidden files, folders or drives.
Dar ce ne facem cand nu mai tinem minte in ce “colt” de hdd am ascuns respectivele fisiere? Sau atunci cand devenim curiosi in privinta eventualelor fisiere ascunse de ceilalti useri cu acces la computer (si sunt convins ca majoritatea avem curiozitatea asta din cand in cand…:D). Sa luam la mana fiecare folder existent ar necesita mult timp, ceea ce reprezinta o problema serioasa atunci cand tocmai timpul ne lipseste.
Find Hidden este o aplicatie portabila (nu necesita instalare) creata tocmai pentru a ajuta utilizatorii in astfel de situatii. Aceasta identifica toate fisierele (sau folderele) ascunse intr-un director, cautarea putand fi facuta in functie de cateva criterii importante:
tipul fisierelormarimea fisierelordata la care acestea au fost createdata la care au fost ultima data accesateIn plus, Find Hidden ofera si detalii despre atributele fisierelor ascunse (daca acestea sunt sau nu fisiere de sistem, sau daca sunt arhivate etc), iar rezultatele cautarilor pot fi salvate in formate text (File > Save List as). De asemenea, in Preferences puteti edita culorile interfatei, formatul datei si skinul aplicatiei.
Download Find Hidden files and folders.
Credit @opxbit.web.id
Nota: Aplicatie compatibila cu toate versiunile de Windows XP, Windows Vista si Windows 7 .
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