vineri, 26 noiembrie 2010

Internet Explorer Zero Day Discovered

Researchers at Symantec have reported the discovery of an unpatched vulnerability that impacts Internet Explorer versions 6, 7, and 8 running under Windows. Microsoft has released a security advisory confirming the vulnerability but currently has no plans to release an out-of-band update.

The exploit was delivered via targeted email that contained a link to a single compromised website (all malicious files have since been removed).

According to Microsoft, the vulnerability exists because "Internet Explorer incorrectly under-allocates memory to store a certain combination of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) tags when parsing HTML. This could result in an overwrite of the least significant byte of a vtable pointer. An attacker able to spray memory with a specific pattern could potentially execute code in the context of the process parsing the HTML."

Heap spray attacks can be mitigated by enabling Data Execution Prevention (DEP). By default, DEP is enabled in Internet Explorer v8. To enable DEP in Internet Explorer v6 and v7, refer to the links below:

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Best Internet Security Suites for 2011

An Internet Security Suite is a sound investment for your Windows PC, but it can be pricey. Finding the best Internet Security Suite that offers the most protection for your hard earned money is important. To save you time, money, and heartache, we've poured over the results of's extensive testing of Internet Security Suites and provided our top picks for the best Internet Security Suites for 2011. To qualify, each Internet Security Suite had to score 4 or higher (out of a possible 6) for its combined effectiveness in detecting and removing malware.

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joi, 25 noiembrie 2010

Cum sa adaugam Defragment in meniul de click-dreapta in Windows 7

Stealth Settings: Home / Note / Cum sa adaugam Defragment in meniul de click-dreapta in Windows 7

Publicat de stealth pe November 12, 2010 · 3 Comentarii 

Cum sa adaugam Defragment in meniul de click-dreapta in Windows 7

Performanta unui computer depinde in mare parte si de starea de “sanatate” a hard-diskului instalat pe acesta. Degeaba procesorul este de ultimul tip si degeaba instalam n GB suplimentari de RAM (pe versiunile 32-biti oricum nu vor putea fi folositi decat maxim 3GB), daca starea hdd-ului este una foarte proasta computerul va avea o “prestatie” cel mult mediocra (si asta in momentele lui foarte bune, care se vor intampla destul de rar).

Una dintre operatiunile esentiale pentru mentinerea unui hard-disk in stare buna de functionare este defragmentarea periodica a acestuia. Daca va numarati printre utilizatorii care prefera sa efectueze manual orice task de pe computerele personale si care evita operarea automata a acestora, puteti adauga in meniul de click-dreapta optiunea de Defragment, astfel incat ori de cate ori veti deschide acest meniu (adica or de cate ori veti da click-dreapta pe o partitie) va veti aduce aminte – probabil :D – sa va defragmentati hard-diskul.

Cum putem adauga Defragment in meniul de click-dreapta a partitiilor unui computer

deschideti editorul de registri (Registry Editor) tastand regedit in Search-ul din Start Menu (sau in Run) navigati catre calea HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/Drive/shell, apoi dati click-dreapta pe shell si creati un nou key pe care il veti denumi runas


modificati valoarea intrarii Default (panoul din dreapta) in Defragment, apoi dati click-dreapta pe runas si creati un nou key, pe care il veti denumi command



setati valoarea intrarii Default de sub command in defrag %1 –v –u (click-dreapta > Modify), apoi inchideti regedit si restartati computerul


Dupa restart, atunci cand veti da click-dreapta pe vreuna din partitiile computerului vei observa optiunea Defragment in meniul afisat.


Daca veti da click pe aceasta, va incepe defragmentarea partitiei respective.

Nota: Tutorial compatibil si cu Widows Vista. Netestat pe XP.

Atentie! Inainte de a efectua orice modificare in registrii de sistem este recomandat sa creati un backup al acestora pentru a evita eventuale consecinte neplacute.

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Roger Davidson: A Victim of Virus Scam - Or Not?

When reading the news, it's good to remember that what you're really reading is the product of someone else's research into the story. How in depth that research is obviously impacts how the story is told. Sometimes an article can paint a picture that is vastly different from the reality.

Consider either of these:

The stories assert that Roger Davidson, musician and heir to an oil fortune, was an innocent victim bilked out of 6 to 20 million dollars in an elaborate scam that sprung from a computer virus infection on his laptop. He took the laptop to a computer repair shop, after which the owners allegedly convinced him that all sorts of fanciful plotters were out to get him. As the story goes, he in turn was defrauded out of millions of dollars in protection fees. A sad tale, no?

But then read this article and you quickly realize this wasn't really the case of a befuddled victim, but rather the case of a man who may have had way too much to hide:

According to the defendants, some of what Davidson was concealing included millions of dollars in tax evasion and what was described as "massive" amounts of pornography. Additionally, the relationship between the alleged scammers and the alleged victim doesn't appear to as clear cut as other articles portray. Instead, if the defendants' allegations are true, it appears these may have been long standing relationships between three people and it may just have been Davidson himself who acted inappropriately.

Certainly there are a great number of scams perpetuated against the elderly each year. And unfortunately there are probably some unscrupulous computer repair shops willing to capitalize on someone's computer virus misfortune. But in this particular case, taking the story at face value may lead to the entirely wrong impression. Indeed, in this particular case, one has to wonder just who the real victims are.

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miercuri, 24 noiembrie 2010

Boonana Peels Down to Koobface for Macs

Dan Goodin at El Reg writes about the notorious Koobface worm being ported to Mac. The worm spreads via social engineering sites such as Facebook and Twitter and uses a malicious Java applet to load a backdoor onto your computer. Goodin points out that the Mac virus gurus at Intego have proclaimed this a low threat, specifically because it requires that the victim say yes to a warning message.

But so does pretty much every Windows variant of Koobface, nearly all of which generally masquerade as some sort of video codec.

It remains to be seen whether Mac users will prove to be more wary than their Windows' cousins. If not, we can expect that about 1% of those Mac users who do encounter the newly revamped Koobface will click "Allow" and infect their computers.

Intego is calling the new Mac social engineering worm OSX/Koobface.A. SecureMac is calling it Trojan.OSX.Boonana.a. Regardless of what you call it, it's a good reminder to disable Java in your browser. Truly, for all the security headaches Java brings, it's almost never ever legitimately needed.

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Mozilla Patches Critical Firefox Flaw

Mozilla has released Firefox v3.6.12 in response to a zero day vulnerability that was discovered being actively exploited via the Nobel Peace Prize website. The exploit was targeting visitors to in an attack some suggest was politically motivated.

The IP address involved in the attack traced back to a university in Taiwan. In October 2010, Chinese professor Liu Xiaob was awarded the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize. Liu Xiaob is currently serving an 11-year prison term in China for his writings in support of human rights.

Regardless of any motives behind its previous use, the flaw is highly critical and likely to quickly be exploited elsewhere. Firefox users are urged to update to the latest version as soon as possible. You can do so by directly downloading Firefox 3.6.12 or by choosing Help | Check for Updates from within the Firefox program.

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marți, 23 noiembrie 2010

Sophos Offers Mac Antivirus Free for Home Users

Antivirus vendor Sophos has long offered a paid version of Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac, but now Sophos is offering the same protection free for home use. Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac Home Edition is designed for standalone Macs running OS X 10.4 or later. The scanner detects both Mac and Windows malware and includes a rich feature set with ample configuration options.

If you're looking for a Mac antivirus solution for your MacBook or iMac, Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac Home Edition is definitely one worth trying.

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(Sort of) Free AV for Small Business

Home users have long had access to excellent free antivirus software, but historically business users have always had to pay. Now, for a limited time, small business owners with 5 to 50 seats can get a (sort of) free copy of Symantec Endpoint Protection for Small Business. The catch is that you must make a qualifying purchase of Windows 7, after which you pay $18 for Symantec Endpoint, then get a mail-in rebate for up to $18.

The offer ends December 31st, and all rebates must be postmarked within 30 days of the close of the offer.

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luni, 22 noiembrie 2010

Polls, Privacy and People

Amidst no small amount of TSA criticism stemming from the TSA encounter described on the Johnny Edge blog, CBS News has released poll results showing that 81% of those they surveyed think full body scanners in airports are okay. Sounds like compelling evidence of acceptance, no?

But think about this. The poll was based on successful phone interviews which also included questions about a person's gender, political persuasion, and age. Non-successful attempts (i.e. those who refused or hung up) were not counted. So the 1,137 respondents in the CBS poll are already those who care little about privacy to begin with.

Personally, I hang up on any poll takers. I also don't participate in online polls that ask for personal information. Nor do I click on unsolicited links or participate in free offers tied to surveys as these are generally scams.

And, like Johnny Edge aka John Tyner, I'd also never agree to a full body scan.

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Firefox Zero Day Targets Nobel Peace Prize Visitors

Mozilla (Firefox) has acknowledged a zero-day vulnerability in Firefox v3.5 and 3.6. The vulnerability was actively exploited via the Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize website ( on Tuesday. The Nobel Prize attackers confined their targeting to Firefox 3.6 and specific versions of Windows (other than Vista and Windows 7), but future attackers will likely not confine it so restrictively.

No patch is currently available. For protection, Mozilla is recommending that Firefox users install the free NoScript addon.

It's anticipated that the vulnerability will be assigned CVE-2010-3765.

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Cum putem salva un fisier Office 2010 in format .PDF

Stealth Settings: Home / Microsoft / Cum putem salva un fisier Office 2010 in format .PDF

Publicat de stealth pe November 10, 2010 · 2 Comentarii 

Cum putem salva un fisier Office 2010 in format .PDF

Microsoft Office 2010 vine la pachet cu cateva caracteristici noi fata de versiunile anterioare de Office. Una dintre aceste caracteristici este posibilitatea de a salva documente in format PDF (Acrobat Reader) fara a fi nevoie de instalarea unui addon pentru acest lucru. Avantajul salvarii documentelor in format PDF este acela ca utilizatorii nu vor avea nevoie sa instaleze suita Office pentru a citi sau chiar modifica respectivele documente.

Salvarea unui document Office 2010 in format PDF se poate face foarte simplu (cateva click-uri) si nu necesita decat putin timp (cateva secunde).

Cum sa salvam un fisier Word Office 2010 in format PDF:

Deschideti fisierul Word 2010 pe care doriti sa il salvati ca PDF (de asemenea puteti crea un nou fisier pe care sa il salvati apoi ca document PDF)Dati click pe File (in coltul din stanga-sus) si selectati optiunea Save As


In ferestra nou deschisa , in campul din dreptul Save as type (partea de jos a ferestrei) selectati PDF si dati click pe Save.


Si gata, ati creat un nou fisier PDF cu ajutorul Microsoft Office 2010.

Nota: Chiar daca tutorialul a fost testat folosind Word 2010, acesta este compatibil si cu Excel 2010, Visio 2010, InfoPath 2010, OneNote 2010, PowerPoint 2010, Access 2010 si Publisher 2010.

Stealth Settings: Microsoft, Microsoft Office, Note, Noteworthy, Office Tips
Tagged: excel to pdf, microsoft office 2010 features, office ti acrobat reader, salveaza un fisier word 2010 in format pdf, save as pdf, save office file as pdf, word to pfd
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duminică, 21 noiembrie 2010

Cum putem recupera anumite fisiere dintr-o imagine de backup a OS-ului (Vista & 7)

Stealth Settings: Home / Note / Cum putem recupera anumite fisiere dintr-o imagine de backup a OS-ului (Vista & 7)

Publicat de stealth pe November 10, 2010 · Spune-ti Parerea 

Cum putem recupera anumite fisiere dintr-o imagine de backup a OS-ului (Vista & 7)

Incepand cu Windows Vista, protectia default a sistemelor de operare permite crearea automata de backup-uri (numite puncte de restaurare sau restore points) ori de cate ori se fac modificari majore in registrii sau in fisierele de sistem, astfel incat, daca apar erori in sistem, acesta sa poata fi reparat relativ usor cu ajutorul unui astfel de backup (sistemul este restaurat la starea precedenta modificarii de registrii/fisiere de sistem care a provocat eroarea/erorile). O alta optiune de backup a sistemului in afara de restore point este crearea unei imagini a sistemului de operare, cu ajutorul careia, in caz de probleme majore sau chiar iremediabile ale acestuia, sistemul poate fi restaurat complet (inclusiv aplicatiile care erau instalate in momentul crearii imaginii) fara a fi nevoie de metode de reparare suplimentare sau de reinstalare. Dar daca nu avem nevoie de recuperarea completa a sistemului ci numai a catorva fisiere ale acestuia care, dintr-un motiv sau altul, au ajuns sa nu mai functioneze corect?

Cum putem recupera doar anumite fisiere din imaginile de backup ale Windowsului

In primul rand este necesara existenta unei imagini de backup a sistemului de operare (pentru cei care nu stiu cum pot face o imagine de backup a sistemului, vedeti acest post). Daca nu aveti imaginea de backup si aveti probleme cu diverse fisiere de sistem, sau vreti sa recuperati fisiere pe care le-ati sters din greseala sau ati constatat prea tarziu ca va trebuiau, ati putea incerca sa le “imprumutati” de la prietenii sau sa folositi ceva aplicatii de recuperare date. Daca imaginea de back-up exista, asigurati-va ca aceasta contine respectivele fisiere verificand data acesteia. In cazul in care imaginea este cea potrivita, urmati instructiunile de mai jos:

1. Varianta mai simpla si mult mai usor de urmat este folosirea unei terte aplicatii, si anume VHD Attach. Aceasta aplicatie permite montarea hard-diskurilor virtuale astfel incat acestea pot fi accesate la fel ca hdd-urile instalate. Dupa ce instalati VHD Attach, dati click-dreapta pe imaginea de backup si selectat Attach din meniu (Atentie! Daca aveti create doua fisiere .vdh in folderul de backup, imaginea partitiei de sistem este fisierul de dimensiuni mai mari, celalalt fiind imaginea partitiei de boot).


Dupa montarea hdd-ului vitual (a imaginii de backup) veti putea intra in acesta si selecta/copia fisierle de care aveti nevoie. Apoi demontati vhd-ul dand click-dreapta pe acesta si folosind Dettach.

2. In cazul in care nu aveti deosebita incredere in folosirea de aplicatii suplimentare, puteti monta un hdd virtual folosind Disk Management:

dati click-dreapta pe Computer in Start Menu si selectati Manage


in fereasta deschisa dati click pe Disk Management (in panoul din stanga) si asteptati ca acesta sa se incarce dati click pe Action in Menu bar, si selectati Attach VHD


apoi navigati catre folderul unde aveti imaginea de backup (vhd), selectati-o si dati click pe Open, apoi pe OK o noua partitie va aparea in Disk Management, aceasta putand fi accesata din (My) Computer.


Pentru a demonta vhd-ul, mergeti iar in Disk Management, dati click-dreapta pe acesta si selectati Dettach.

Nota: A doua varianta este compatibila doar cu Windows Vista/7 Ultimate/Enterprise.

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Cum sa adaugam My Computer in Taskbar in Windows 7 (Pin Computer to Taskbar)

Stealth Settings: Home / Note / Cum sa adaugam My Computer in Taskbar in Windows 7 (Pin Computer to Taskbar)

Publicat de stealth pe November 18, 2010 · Un Comentariu 

Cum sa adaugam My Computer in Taskbar in Windows 7 (Pin Computer to Taskbar)

Pentru utilizatorii Windows 7 care doresc sa aiba acces mai rapid la My Computer le recomandam sa adauge un shortcut catre acesta in Taskbar. Deoarece metoda obisnuita de a adauga shortcut-uri in Windows 7 Taskbar nu functioneaza si pentru My Computer iar prin drag & drop acesta este adaugat in Windows Explorer jumplist, urmatoarele instructiuni va vor arata cum puteti rezolva problema “fixarii” My Computer in Taskbar.


Cum putem da pin la Computer in Windows 7 Taskbar

in primul rand cream un shortcut nou (chiar daca in meniul de click-dreapta al My Computer exista optiunea de Create Shortcut, nici shortcut-urile create in acest fel nu pot fi “prinse” de Taskbar) – click-dreapta pe monitor > New > Shortcut


apoi, in fereastra nou deschisa, in campul de sub Type the location of the item, dati Copy/Paste la urmatorul rand: %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe shell:MyComputerFolder si dati click pe Next


dati un nume shortcut-ului nou creat (de exemplu My Computer), apoi dati click pe Finish.


apoi dati click-dreapta pe shortcut-ul nou creat si selectati Properties din meniuin tab-ul Shortcut dati click pe Change Iconin ferastra nou deschisa, dati Paste urmatorului rand in campul de sub Look for icons in this file: %SystemRoot%\system32\imageres.dll (apoi dati Enter)


selectati icon-ul pentru My Computer, apoi dati click pe OK, si apoi iar OKpentru a adauga My Computer in Taskbar, click pe shortcut-ul nou creat si drag & drop peste Taskbar sau dati click-dreapta pe acesta si selectati Pin to Taskbar.


Nota: Testat pe Windows 7 Ultimate.

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sâmbătă, 20 noiembrie 2010

Free Stuxnet Scanner

Stuxnet is a complex worm with serious ramifications - and one that can be difficult to ferret out. Trend Micro has stepped up to the challenge with a free Stuxnet scanner that spoofs Stuxnet packets to elicit a response, thereby identifying which IP addresses are infected by the worm. If you're in enterprise IT, particularly in an industrial control facility, this is one tool worth checking out. And it's free.

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Resetare Generala Internet Explorer (IE6, IE 7 & IE 8)

Stealth Settings: Home / Internet / Resetare Generala Internet Explorer (IE6, IE 7 & IE 8)

Publicat de Stealth Settings pe November 15, 2010 · Spune-ti Parerea 

Resetare Generala Internet Explorer (IE6, IE 7 & IE 8)

Internet Explorer este unul dintre cele mai populare internet browsere, fiind confundat de o parte din utilizatorii novice cu Internetul.

In comparatie cu Mozilla Firefox, Opera si Chrome, Internet Explorer este mai putin stabil si pune mai multe probleme de securitate, insa trebuie sa recunoastem ca o parte din vina problemei de stabilitate o reprezinta si experienta utilizatorului, care instaleaza toolbar-uri, add-on-uri si viziteaza site-uri "dubioase" ale caror surse contin coduri malware

Daca v-ati facut de cap prin setarile Internet Exporer, ati activat si instalat add-on-uri si toolbar-uri, iar acesta a inceput sa se miste mai greu, sa dea erori sau sa nu se mai deschida, atunci o resetare generala a browser-ului ar putea rezolva problema.

Reset Internet Explorer Settings (IE 6, IE7, IE 8 – nu am testat pe IE9)

Inainte de a spune cum putem reseta Internet Explorer, este bine sa stiti ca resetarea generala implica :

- dezactivare tooblars & add-ons (foarte util daca aveti de a face cu un crash care a aparut in urma instalarii unui add-on sau a unui toolbar)
- stergerea listei de site-uri blocate si a listei de site-uri trusted (valabil pentru cine foloseste aceasta setare ca sa limiteze accesul la anumite site-uri).  
- stergerea cookie si a setarilor personalizate pentru cookies.
- resetare Pop-up Blocker (sterge inclusiv lista de popup-uri permise) 
- reseteare setari tab-uri
- resetare setari de securitate.
- resetare peronalizare (limba, culori, font-uri, zoom, search box )
- sterge temporary Internet files, cookies, form data – autocompletare date, parolele salvate…  
- resetare feed-uri (daca aveti site-uri adaugate in feed este bine sa faceti un backup inainte de a reseta browser-ul).
- resetare setari ActiveX controls.
- resetare InPrivate Filtering - reseteaza setarile personalizate.

Cum putem sa resetam Internet Explorer 6, IE 7 sau IE 8

1. Deschidem Run Box (Win+R) si tastam :

rundll32 inetcpl.cpl ResetIEtoDefaults

Run Reset Internet Explorer Settings

OK sau Enter.

2. In casuta care se deschide facem click pe butonul "Reset".

reset Internet Explorer Settings

Daca dupa acest pas nu se rezolva problema browser-ului dvs. este recomandat sa repetati comanda si sa bifati casuta de la "Delete personal settings".

Nu este nevoie sa deschideti Internet Explorer inainte a folosi comanda de resetare "rundll32 inetcpl.cpl ResetIEtoDefaults". Poate fi folosita si daca browser-ul nu este deschis sau daca browser-ul nu se mai deschide din cauza unei erori.

Comanda de resetare Internet Explorer via Run Box a fost testata pe Windows XP, Windows Vista si Windows 7.

Stealth Settings: Internet Explorer – Reset to Default Settings .

Stealth Settings: Internet, Internet Explorer, Note, Noteworthy, Windows Tips
Tagged: ActiveX Reset, ActiveX Settings, Add-ons Reset, cookies, Crash Internet Explorer, Delete personal settings, Error IE, Fix IE Errors, form data, IE 9, IE ActiveX, IE Security, IE6 Reset, IE7, IE8 Crash, IE8 Error, inetcpl.cpl, Internet Explorer Error, internet-explorer, Pop-up Blocker, Reset IE Security, Reset Internet Explorer, ResetIEtoDefaults, Run Administrator, Run Box, rundll32, temporary Internet files
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duminică, 7 noiembrie 2010

Download Free Spyware Removal

Download Free Spyware Removal or Else...

If you just love saving your downloads into your computer, there is a high probability that you also have downloaded spyware. Since you do not have any idea on the sources that these sites have, you are making your computer vulnerable to the hazards of spyware infestation.

Not to worry though. There is a way to stop an impending computer disaster. Over the Internet, you will an abundance of spyware removal programs and softwares. The good news is that you can download them for free just like your music or videos.

You are given the opportunity to try any one of the spyware removal that a lot of websites are offering now. Getting them for free will give you an idea about what their capabilities are. A lot of users have come to value these free downloads since it aids them in their decision making process.

Imagine not having a basic idea about what spyware removal to use. Upon going online, you saw one and decided to avail of some of the free download. When you have tested them on your computer, you notice that one works better than the rest. By that time, your decision will be made for you. You would certainly want to have that product present in your computer.

Below are some other tips that will guide you in your free spyware remover shopping.

1. Quick to download and install.

There are programs that are too complicated to download, not to mention, install. Not many people have the patience to figure out how to do it properly and easily. If you are one of these types of person, then you should opt for known for quick downloading and installation.

You will see this initially when you start downloading the program. If it lets you wait for some time that is other than normal, then you better not go through with it. Most free download of spyware removal are easily downloaded. It should take a minute or more of your time.

2. Easy operation.

Opt for one that you can operate easily. There are those that come with a tutorial on basic program operations. Make the most of this offer so you will not be left in the dark about what you should do.

You can also choose one that comes with automated settings. This way, it will not be necessary for you to check on and update them once in awhile. If you are the busy type, then you will not have that extra time needed in updating your program.

3. Availability of updates.

When you have already consumed the free download of spyware removal, it is time for you to upgrade to one that you can install in your computer. Look out for one that gives automatic and regular updates.

Updates are important since these will tell you about new information and features in the spyware business. Being aware of them will give you an idea about what to do next. It will keep you in touch with what is new and what is outdated already.

Take advantage of free download of spyware removal and see the benefits. Downloading one will not take as much as the time needed in downloading other types of files.

Microsoft Anti Spyware

Trust Microsoft not to be left behind in the anti Spyware Rage

When the need for anti spyware solutions became in demand, who do you think was one of the pioneers who came to the rescue? Microsoft, of course. The best in the computer technology were gathered to formulate an anti spyware that could be considered one of its finest. The result is Microsoft anti spyware.

This anti spyware was introduced as a free beta version that is downloadable from the internet. Those who wanted to try out what Microsoft has to offer can simply go over the main homepage and download it there.

Today, people can have the complete software installed in their computer. The beta software has in it all the basic protection that computers need. From spyware to how it can easily be detected, Microsoft anti spyware software has everything put in there.

What are the things that Microsoft anti spyware can offer you?

1. It exterminates hard to eliminate spyware.

The initial scanning function of Microsoft anti spyware is quick and thorough. Just like its veteran counterparts, it is able to identify the number of spyware that has gotten into your system.

One thing that makes Microsoft spyware stand out is that it does the work quicker than any other anti spyware available. If you compare it with other anti spyware, you will notice that it can do the job faster than what you have before. This saves valuable time that you can set aside for other stuff.

When the scan is finished, the program will give you detailed information about the spyware. The information will go as far as pointing out where the spyware is located in the computer, risk rate and the necessary actions needed to avoid such threats.

You have the capability to schedule when the next scan is going to take place. It is better to do this on a regular basis so that the risks will be avoided completely. You can input this information into your computer so that it will automatically start the scanning process.

There is a network community that is responsible for keeping users in tune with the updates that is going around in these programs. You will receive real time notification about these updates so you will know what is happening lately.

2. State-of-the-art features.

Microsoft anti spyware offers advanced features that you can take advantage of.

You can have default settings to Microsoft in your browser. This makes browsing easier when you already have them existing in the browser that you use.

Another feature is setting modifier. You have the choice of putting as many objects in your browser as possible.

The last feature the capability to erase automatically the number of histories to programs that you used and gone through. This way, the fear of anyone going through them will be eliminated. It will also save you the trouble of looking up each one and deleting them manually.

3. Easy access and free of charge.

You are pared the worry of paying for this program since it comes for free. Over the Internet, you can search for and download it directly to your computer.

Microsoft anti spyware is a recommended anti spyware support if you are after the quality that is known only with Microsoft. Get all the features combined with the assurance that you are well protected from intruders with Microsoft anti spyware.

sâmbătă, 6 noiembrie 2010

Covert Online Spies

The Internet is a powerful tool that provides everyone online a way to be connected to each other, gather a lot of information and enjoy convenient services like online shopping and banking. However, many of us Internet users are at constant risk of adware and spyware downloads that make us extremely vulnerable to malicious acts.

We often unknowingly fall prey to adware and spyware downloads as we innocently use the Internet. These adware and spyware downloads can come bundled with some freeware programs we use and sometimes, simply browsing a site puts us at risk. The business of being infected with unwanted adware and spyware downloads can be very serious. Some adware and spyware or malware proliferate the Web to infect our computer systems which gives us no control over unsolicited pop ups as part of targeted market efforts.

On extreme criminal cases however, spyware called malware, is used to take note of keystrokes, scan our computer's hard drive and steal important passwords and financial information. The information gathered covertly is used for identity theft, which can cause us major headache and at least thousands of dollars to clear our names.

These adware and spyware are unknowingly infect our computers and most of the time, we don't even know that they there. However, you can start becoming suspicious of adware and spyware downloaded into your system when you begin to have uncontrolled pop-ups from unsolicited sources. Sometimes, even without the telltale pop up ads you may notice a suspicious slow down in your computer's processing without any apparent reason. Your system slows down because these adware and spyware parasitically use up your system's resources to be able to perform their functions.

The only way you can be sure if your computer system is infected with adware and spyware downloads is by installing an anti spyware program that will detect and flush out the unwanted programs. The proper anti spyware can also prevent future adware and spyware downloads. You need to choose an anti spyware program that does both.

Be wary of downloading anti spyware on the Net because some spyware are disguised and marketed as a free anti spyware.

One more thing you can do to protect yourself from unwittingly downloading adware and spyware programs is to read the fine print. When installing a new program into your computer, you are asked to tick off an option of whether you agree or disagree with the programs end user license agreement (EULA). Do yourself a favor and read what is written in the agreement before agreeing to proceed in the installation. Many shareware and freeware programs come bundled with spyware and adware programs and in some cases you can learn about them by reading the agreement carefully.

Because adware and spyware come bundled with your download, these programs will not run independently of the spyware it comes with. This means that if you have a good anti-spyware system installed in your computer, you won't be able to install the infected program.

Consequently, if an existing program infected with spyware is in your system, your anti spyware system will attempt to remove the infection. Since most spyware are closely bundled into certain programs, the removal of the spyware may cause the legitimate program it comes with to stop functioning as well.

Free Adware

Free Adware Removal Tips to Ponder on

When adware software is in your computer system, it automatically lets advertisements pop up. This act therefore distracts you from whatever work you are doing. The advertisement windows normally redirect the search engine displays into an adware-hosted website. So if you do not want to go through all these things, might as well stop yourself from clicking those links. Adware is able to disturb you with its pop up ads because tends to overwrite the values and settings inside the computer’s system registry. Adware programs are simply persistent. No matter how many times they have been deleted from the files, they will always stick with their aggressiveness. It is because adware makes use of what is known as the resuscitators or those programs that enable adware to keep running. Adware’s claws can only be removed from the system by the use of adware spyware removal tools.

If you are a neophyte in the use of the computer and with the use of the adware spyware removal tool, there are simple tips which are to be discussed in this article so as to guide you with the smooth-sailing removal of the adware attack. The removal of adware is not at all daunting provided that you follow these simple guidelines.

Take note that the removal of the adware is just the same with the removal process employed when computer viruses are to be eliminated from the computer system. The first thing to be done is to be aware with regards to what you are to really deal with. Have you gone tired of these pop up ads? Do you want to completely delete the adware from your computer network system? Then do it by all means! Adware totally affects the computer’s systems in various ways. It even modifies or interrupts the normal registry values and variables. What you need to use instead of the old versions of the anti spyware software are the much updated anti-virus and anti spy software programs. They are hence able to track and identify the adware that lives inside your computer system. There are likewise some anti-virus programs that manage such task but then the use of the adware spyware removal software is much advisable to use.

Before running the adware spyware removal scanner, you need to close all of the applicants which are being used. Also, you need to disconnect your computer from its internet connection. Then, it is now time to run the scanning of the system. The adware spyware software removal tool will start to detect and remove the active adware from your computer network system. After the scan is completed, you need to reboot the system. Start it up and then rerun the scan in the system once more. Continue to complete these procedures until such time that the adware is completely removed or detected, so to speak.

You must understand that there are some persistent adware that can really be very difficult to remove. This is due to the activated resuscitators that these adware have. For such case, it will be best to deal with the anti spyware support pages since they provide a detailed and step-by-step detail on the modification of the system registry and therefore with the removal of the adware. When trying to inactivate the adware in your computer, you must ensure that you follow the proper procedures. Do not experiment because you may just worsen things.

vineri, 5 noiembrie 2010


Adware: The Underlying Truth Revealed

You are right when you think of the numerous advertisements scattered all over the internet as you hear the term adware. The technical professionals are very much familiar with the term adware. For the basics, adware stands for advertising-supported software. The adware downloads, displays, or plays all possible advertising materials in an automatic manner even though some other software applications are running or are being used. Adware is a type of software that is mixed up with a software or another program. The programmer is typically the one who makes use of adware primarily because he is working on the advertisement campaign and is obviously making profits with it. The income he gets more than enough motivate him to write more advertisements, activate the software program, and as well as upgrade and continuously maintain it.

In more ways than one, the adware may in fact work as a spyware on the loose. Needless to say, when adware is installed on one computer, it launches its tracking activity. That is why, when another user lays his hands on that particular computer, his activities get watched as well as his personal details are tracked, hacked, distributed, and sold to a third party without his consent or knowledge. At some point, adware also forces the user to pay a visit to certain websites as they just pop out of the blue therefore interfering with the user’s activity. Adware in this manner works as a spyware in a sense that the information regarding the user is sent to an ad-serving firm.

Among the popular adwares there are today are the 123 Messenger, 180 Solutions that include 180SearchAssistant and Zango, Bonzi Buddy, BlockChecker, ClipGenie, Comet Cursor, Cydoor, Direct Revenue, Ebates MoneyMaker, Gator, PornDigger, WinFixer, Hotbar, ErrorSafe, Smiley Central, StumbleUpon, WeatherBug, and WhenU. There is hence a number of adware removal software which can be used to help the users protect themselves from the onslaught of these adware programs. When they are used, they block the utmost presentation of the advertisements and they likewise eliminate from the system the spyware modules present therein.

Adware is a form of spam that automatically lets advertisements pop out of nowhere. The advertising ads may involve websites or products which you will be forced to view even if you really do not want to pay attention to it. Thus, your task is interrupted and you get annoyed too. Adware also takes away your privacy. Furthermore, you must protect yourself against the adware attack on your identity. The old age antivirus programs are unable to detect and prevent these adware programs. So do not be confident with the thought that your computer has an existing anti-virus and anti spyware software program installed in it. You are not safe actually!

What you need is an adware removal software because it works like the police as it detects and eliminates the culprit out of your computer network system. You must always safeguard your files and yourself. You need something of an upgraded software whose specialty is on the elimination of adware. Lots of such products have come available in the market. The internet itself has various websites that offer these adware removal products. You just need to be cautious enough when dealing with the company from where you will purchase your adware removal product.

Totally Free Spyware Removal

Totally Free Spyware Removal: Tips that you can follow

The spyware is oftentimes integrated into the freewares. Freewares refer to the series of softwares that can be downloaded anytime and free of charge. They come as a package. It is like a buy one take one promo. It will be beneficial for you to start off with reading the user agreement of the program so that you will be unable to install those unwanted programs that tend to be malicious. Another mode wherein the spyware software can get into the mainstream of your computer network system is through the access of the sites whereas your browser contains security holes. Meaning, your browser can be prone to these unsafe ventures. It is important that before you click on a link, you first evaluate the website which you are to visit. By this, you may avoid the entry of spyware into your computer network system.

Here are effective ways that will help you detect whether your computer system is infected by a spyware software. Just look for these signs or symptoms and you can easily detect that a spyware is living inside your computer operating system.

The computer hangs, freezes, or slows down. It is because the spyware software eat up a lot of the memory resources that causes the computer to lock up and be sluggish.

You experience several annoying pop up ads which tend to be very uncontrollable. They just become too persistent that they keep flashing on the screen. These pop up ads continue to appear even if you do not pay attention to clicking the websites or links. There are even those that automatically come up whenever the windows are turned on.

You get to encounter a commandeered default homepage. It gets to mean that an unknown website or something which you haven’t visited before comes out as a default homepage as soon as you start with your browser. It is not naturally the one that your settings have set up. As soon as you start typing another search engine, you get directed to another link.

As soon as you detect that a spyware software is present in your computer, delete it at once. Here are significant steps on the spyware removal.

Look into your task lists. The computer task list will let you see the programs which are presently running in your computer system. To do it, press CTRL+ALT+DEL. It is best that you familiarize yourself with the files which you keep on your computer because you will easily determine if there is a suspicious thing on the list. If there appears to be one, it can be a spyware software.

Clear your computer start up list. There are spyware that automatically start up. Run the msconfig. Do this by typing ‘msconfig’ in the Windows Run Command.

Check out the unfamiliar programs included in your program list. Do this by checking out the Programs Menu or the Add/Remove Programs which is under the Control Panel. Choose that which is unfamiliar to you and then uninstall them at once.

Get to install at least one or more than one anti spyware programs. The best spyware removal tool is that which totally blocks the entry of more spyware.

Manually remove the spyware that cannot be deleted by the spyware removal tool. There are really those hard-headed spyware programs and they can only be deleted manually.

Remember all these tips and you are on your way to saving yourself from the dangers posed by the spyware programs. You need not be a computer technician to eliminate the spyware!

joi, 4 noiembrie 2010


For Every Spyware, There is an Equal and Compatible Spyware Remover

Spyware remover is almost the similar with anti virus programs. They are meant to remove any form of exploits that may happen to your computer.

The difference is that viruses do not destroy programs or steal away information. And they can easily be removed once the computer is scanned. Spyware are cleverer than that.

Spyware have the ability to transfer from one file to another. In the process, they can instantly destroy all your important files. Not only that, they are also created to cheat you out of any data you have entered into an unsecured website. As a form of retaliation, spyware remover is made. Only these programs have the capability to track down spyware and remove them totally out of your system.

Over the years, spyware removers have advanced in features and in capabilities. Today, you will some that can block any spyware that might find its way into your computer in the future. Others can detect even those stubborn spyware that are hiding away in locations other spyware remover are not capable of searching.

Getting one is also not as hard today. Spyware remover companies have also taken their businesses online. This is because majority of people can now be found online. When they are in need of something, all they have to do is go online and browse through search engines.

This is why those who are in need of spyware remover are looking for them online. Those who cannot afford the prices that comes with the package, they avail of the free spyware remover that can also be found online.

Free spyware remover are only limited for a certain time and use. Once it expires, you need to upgrade to the paid version. You will only be asked to pay a small amount so that you will get the lifetime benefits that spyware remover can do to your computer.

When looking for spyware remover online, check first what website you are getting it from. Trusted and legitimate websites offer free trial of their spyware remover. This is a way of showing their clients what their programs can do.

Free trials are also meant to make decision making easier for customers. It is possible that people are trying out more than one spyware. Once they compared the kind of services that each of them gives, they will see which one will be perfect for their need.

Once you have your very own spyware remover, you are then given the privilege of getting updates if the company is offering them. There are also free and paid updates. The company will inform you of any changes or upgrades. If you know what is good for you, you will stay in touch with the development that is happening and will make the most of them.

So when is the best time to avail of spyware remover?

It is when you start experiencing changes in your computer. Do not set them aside as minor problems. They might turn bigger than you first thought it would.

Educate yourself on the hazards that spyware can bring. Then you can arm yourself with knowledge about spyware remover, which one you need and where best to get them. Do not be like those people who have lost a lot of important things just because of spyware and not knowing about spyware remover.

Free Spyware Removal

Free Spyware Removal: Do not just believe them

You have been bugged to the highest extent by the spyware attack that goes on through your computer network system. You have been victimized since your data start to be lost, your passwords have been stolen, your accounts have been accessed, and your identity has been used by another party. Blame it to the spyware. Your thought moves around nothing else but with the spyware removal at all costs. You are willing to try out almost anything just so you will be assured that the spyware on your computer system will be deactivated. Do you have any choice? The purchase of the spyware removal tool may be too expensive on your part. Now you can settle for the cheaper one. Or rather for something that you don’t have to spend money at all. What am I talking about? It is none other than the free spyware removal that is typically found to be download-ready in most internet websites. Sometimes, as you buy your anti-virus package, a free spyware removal tool comes at hand too.

But more so, you have to be extremely careful when dealing with the free spyware removal tools that you spot on the internet. The advertisement materials and blogs would always tell you that their free spyware removal is the best among the rest. They will make you believe that their products are the most efficient ones that could fight off the annoying spies that steal your data. You must understand that, this could be simply one fine marketing strategy. Why should you be careful? Because it may appear that the free spyware removal tool is actually what the name tells you about but then it is a spyware software in disguise! Then presto! You’ve got another culprit to deal with. Some spyware software are too persistent that they cannot be detected at once or they can be deleted by so many times but then they are not totally eliminated from the entire computer system.

It is also important to give credit to the usefulness of the spyware software. Most people prefer to install the spyware software programs simply because they want to monitor their people or their loved ones. There are some valuable functions and purposes of the spyware software. One is for the monitoring of the employees. The workers tend to end up idling instead of working on their specific tasks.

They would usually browse though various internet websites which are in truth non work-related. This causes the decrease in terms of their production rate. So as not to encourage them to get idle, employers manage to have some spyware software installed on their computer units in order to administer their employees’ minute per minute completion of their assignments.

One more purpose of the spyware software is for child monitoring. Parents tend to build up a child internet safety policy so as not to have their young minds corrupted. Lastly, the spyware software is also used for spousal monitoring. It is in this last purpose that controversy of all sorts has risen. Some states deem spousal monitoring a malicious act and therefore holds the use of the spyware software illegal.

Whatever purpose you have in mind, it is nonetheless important that you pay particular attention to the free spyware removal tool that you download from these websites.

miercuri, 3 noiembrie 2010

Free Removal Of Spyware

Free Removal of Spyware: The Only Defense Left

Free removal of spyware is the only defense you can ever have against those who want to take advantage of information you are carefully hiding away.

You probably would not want to have someone trace where you have been browsing to. And you certainly do not want anyone intruding in your online credit and using them at their expense. Spyware is capable of doing all these things.

Spyware was not really invented for malicious purposes. In the past, spyware was used to trace online history to be used as a source of advertising and sales. But then, people realized the full capacity that spyware can do. Coupled with ingenuity, there is no limit to what a person can do with spyware.

Not to be outdone by the brilliant minds behind the schemes, free removal of spyware were introduced. This is the answer to the need to keep private information private. And to stop any future advantages that can leave one vulnerable.

How do computers get spyware?

1. File-download from the Internet.

If you are used to downloading files, music or other things from the Internet, you are very much at risk of getting spyware in your computer. Spyware cannot be detected early on. Oftentimes, they are already inside the files that you have downloaded. There is no telling how big or small a spyware is just by looking at the file.

This is why there computer users are always reminded of checking out if the site is reliable or not. Most of the browsers nowadays present automated messages warning them of their sources before continuing with their download.

Do not ignore these warnings as unimportant. They are meant to save you from headaches that spyware can cause.

2. Unreliable websites.

When browsing through websites, you will notice that there are insistent pop ups that show when you click on a certain link. There are users who become instantly curious about these things that they tend to "investigate".

What they do not know is that these are spyware. Once they gain access into your computer, expect them to wreck havoc into your computer and files. The sad thing about it is that you are not even aware that this is happening.

But if you are the cautious type, you will probably notice some small changes in your browser or in the way your computer is behaving. At these early signs, it is best to get yourself acquainted with spyware removal so that the problem will not bring further harm.

3. Closing pop up windows.

Just because you have clicked on the close button does not mean that you are safe from spyware. This is the strategy being used today to make people click on the spyware buttons. One click is all it takes to gain access to your computer.

What can you do?

Free removal of spyware is the only option left. If you cannot refrain spyware from attacking your computer, the only thing you can do is remove them fast.

Free spyware removal is available online. Just check out some reliable sites and you will be able to download the program from there.

If you want to be absolutely sure that there will be no more spyware to worry about, then you can get your very own spyware removal software and have it installed in your computer. This is because these days, you can never be too careful…

The Spyware Threat

Spyware and adware programs have become constant threats to computer users. Spyware as well as adware programs work their way into computers and can become a hassle and may even do damage in a variety of ways. In such cases, an adware or spyware removal tool may be used to protect computers from such threats and keep it safe from further damage.

In essence, there is a fine line whether a malicious program can be called either an adware or a spyware. An adware is usually considered as a legitimate alternative offered by software companies to consumers who do not wish to pay for a software product. An adware can be distributed as a program, game or software utility designed and distributed as freeware.

There are cases where adware programs that are considered as freeware have features and functions that are blocked until you pay in order to register it. As freeware, most or all features are enabled for use but may have sponsored advertisements that come along with them while the freeware is being used. These sponsored advertisements usually run in a small section of the software interface or it can be displayed as a pop-up ad box on your PC. When you stop running the software, the ads should disappear.

There are times that these ads frequently pop-up on your desktop when you least expect them to. Such adware programs may suddenly come as you are doing some important work on your PC and may become somewhat of a hassle. Try as you might, you cannot find a way disable them and stop distracting you.

For the distraction that they cause, some adware programs would try to force their way into bombarding you with ads even though you do not wish to buy any of the product that they offer. You begin to lose control of your computer and may not be able to do your job well on your PC because of some adware nuisance, as remedy, you might need an adware removal tool for this.

Spy ware, on the other hand, can be a hassle to a computer user in a different sort of way. A spyware may work and look like an adware but is usually a separate program. The functions of a certain spyware program can be malicious and may secretly work its havoc without you ever noticing it. They can be installed by posing as a freeware that is offering a computer user something useful. Once the freeware has been downloaded, the spyware may then find its way into your computer and do its dirty deed.

Spyware programs usually try to monitor your online activity and transmit that information to the spyware propagator. Some spyware programs will force your PC to download a certain software product even if you don't want it. Some more malicious spyware programs even go to the extent of monitoring your keystrokes which makes it possible for some spyware propagators to record and find out about sensitive computer information such as passwords, credit card numbers and email addresses.

Some spyware programs are so sophisticated that they can snoop inside a computer user's hard drive, spread its way into other computers, change and download software into a computer or even damage a PC's internal system. In order to remedy such a threat, a computer should have an updated and effective spyware removal tool in order to get rid of such malicious and pesky programs.

marți, 2 noiembrie 2010

Remove Spyware Free

Remove Spyware for Free: Try out the Trial Versions!

Never misinterpret the benefits of the anti spy software in your entire life. It is not because you know nothing about the technicalities of how the computer system works means you must just shrug your shoulder off on these things. Remember—you are a computer user. And when a spyware gets its way into your computer files and activities, you probably know what will happen next. The thing is—you need an anti-spy software! You need to remove that spyware from your computer network stream!

You cannot be so sure to yourself that all of your records are kept safe as you look through your mailbox, folders, and computer files. You are not even one fine superhero who can put a stop to the evilness of the spyware programs thriving your computer system. Therefore, totally forget about eliminating the spasm and spyware presence with your own bare hands. You will definitely need the use an anti-spyware software to remove the spyware program and to work things out smoothly for your own benefit. Taking into account the conventions, the anti-spyware software programs come in three forms which can vehemently remove the spyware that is actively crawling through all your data and files. They do come as email plug-ins, stand-alone programs, or as server-based email filters.

What are they all about? How do they remove the spyware? Basically, each of them has its own task to deal with, so to speak. There are some particularly well-known anti-spyware software programs which can really remove the spyware that is present in your computer system. They are McAfee’s Spyware Killer, the Bayesian filtering, the Spam Agent and the Email Protector of Anti Spam Software.

How do these things come to terms with the removal of the spyware programs? Generally, through these anti-spyware and anti spam software programs, the mail inboxes are protected against junk mails, the spam IP addresses are blacklisted, and more so, all of the unwanted messages are hence eliminated from coming into the mailbox. The anti spyware software programs work like the policemen. They investigate, scan, and look for proofs of suspicious codes which are present in the computer operating system and therefore eliminate them as soon as they prove to be harmful for the data system.

What is meant then by removing spyware software programs for free? As you know, the Internet is a host to several products. The online market is a portal to free trial versions of at least a thousand products. The anti-spam and anti-spyware software programs are among them. Of course, free trial versions of these products from the most reputable firms are offered for free. What should you do then? You can surf the net and browse through a lot of websites and find one that offers a free trial version of the anti-spam and anti-spyware software programs. There is no harm in trying these free trial versions. After all, these stuffs really exhibit tremendous prices. But then you must be cautious too. Make sure that you download one that is offered by the trusted companies as there are times when those which are prompted in the ads are the disguised spyware software programs themselves! And when you get to download them—you are dead meat! Therefore, always be on guard fro your files and personal information. You surely do not want to be a victim!

Free Spyware Adware Remover

Computers need routine maintenance as well as systems checks in order to be in good condition at all times. This can be done by getting the proper software or sending the unit to the shop.

If the individual notices that the computer is not performing as well as before, proper action must be done immediately before everything shuts down. Aside from the potential threat of a virus that can destroy the operating system and the hard drive, another concern should be the spyware and the adware that comes when a website is visited.

Spyware and adware programs can be purchased in the store. With the development of e-commerce, software companies have made it possible to get these things online and have it downloaded in an instant into the computer.

Is there one software program better than the other? Some will say this brand while others will say another depending on how user-friendly and effective it has performed in the past. Here are the top 5 that are free for the person to use so the user should be the judge.

1. McAfee has been in the business of providing security solutions since 1987. The software programs it offers can take care of viruses, spyware, adware and any other threats all in just one package.

Among the different software companies in the industry, this firm does not allow free trials but those who have used it and are still doing so today are satisfied with its products and services.

2. Another leader in the industry is Symantec. This company started 5 years earlier than McAfee and offers customers various versions of its products. Those who are skeptic about the adware and spyware software it has can download the software and try it for 30 days. Those who amazed can then buy the program to continue enjoying its services.

3. Microsoft is one of the biggest software companies in the world. Aside from offering to customer’s operating systems, it also has adware spyware remover, which can be downloaded for free into the computer.

4. The fourth company on the list is not as big as the other three players but is still able to hold its head up high in the market. The program is called Spybot Search and Destroy. From the name itself, the individual can already tell what it can do as well as prevent new threats from ever popping up in the future.

5. Lastly, is Adaware, which also has various versions for personal and commercial use. Those who will just use it to keep the computer safe at home can download the adware spyware remover program for free. If this will be used by a company to protect its assets, a fee will be charged to keep the system running.

The person does not have to be a computer expert to be able to protect everything inside the computer because there are adware spyware remover programs available.

Once it is downloaded and installed, the individual does not have to worry because the software will check the computer carefully as well as receive updates so new threats can be caught before it can do any damage making one sleep peacefully at night. It is up to the customer whether to pay for the system or simply get one that is free.

Spyware Removal

Some Tips to Follow in Spyware Removal

Depending on conditions, spyware removal can either be very effective or it can be a complete waste of time and resources. Here are some tips to make sure that your spyware removal can be done the right way:

1) Gather information – if you intend to go about spyware removal the right way, make sure that you have the right information to help you. You need to understand just how spyware works in order to learn how to properly eliminate it. How does gathering information help you?

a) Identifying the problem – by gathering information about the effects of certain spyware, you would be able to pinpoint exactly what is wrong in your system. This would help you go about the spyware removal more quickly.

Many people are confused when they experience problems with spyware in their system. In fact, some people would just choose to tolerate the various problems that they face with their software than take the effort to study the problem. However, by gathering information, you would be able to identify the problem you are facing faster, giving you more time to decide what to do about it.

b) Finding a solution – when you have enough information about the spyware, then you will have a better idea regarding how to eliminate it from your system. This is because gathering information about spyware also involves gathering information about how to properly get rid of it. This means that if you know enough about a certain type of spyware, you will also have the knowledge necessary to get rid of it.

2) Get help – spyware removal is not a task that you should try to undertake on your own. This is especially true if you are not really experienced or trained in troubleshooting computers. Tinkering with your computers under these conditions could only cause more harm than good. When you find yourself confused and you do not know what to do, try to get some help.

A lot of help can be found on the internet. You may choose to try and contact a spyware removal company to help you with your problem. You could also choose to read some materials that could give you some pointers on how to go about spyware removal correctly. There is also the option of going to an online community and asking other people to help you with your spyware problem.

3) Maintain – people who manage to get rid of spyware often tendto feelprettyconfident about themselves. They tend to think that the process of spyware removal stops when the spyware infecting a computer system is removed. However, one should realize the fact that eliminating spyware does not stop at deletion. You must regularly check your system to make sure that no spyware gets in.

4) Read before you download – there are many people out there who think that the more tools you have, the better your internet surfing would be. However, you should realize that many “tools” offered for free download on the internet are actually packaged with spyware. This means that you should definitely be careful in downloading certain utilities like toolbars and the like.

These are just some of the tips you should keep in mind when going about spyware removal. By making sure that you follow these tips, you should be able to remove all types of spyware from your system without too much effort.

luni, 1 noiembrie 2010

The Solution to Your Spyware and Adware Problem

The threat of spyware and adware programs has become a widespread problem among computer users. This is one of the unwanted side effects of the online world. Just as making the world a smaller place for everybody, the Internet ha brought the proliferation of malicious programs and applications that work its way into individual computers and do their damage in a variety of ways.

If you are a computer user always going online, you are not exempt to the threat of spyware and adware programs. You are always open to the possibility of being infected with such software programs that can become a hassle and a problem in more ways than one. While surfing online, you may suddenly experience a window popping up on your desktop. This can be an example of an adware.

Adware programs are actually legitimate programs that try to promote a certain product or service to online users like you. Some adware programs are relatively safe and may not do as much as to advertise a certain product in a couple of seconds or two.

But there are other adware programs that seem to be too put their advertisements too far. These adware programs go as far as trying to bombard your desktop repeatedly with ads until it becomes more of a hassle instead of just trying to get your attention for a couple of seconds. Sometimes adware programs attach themselves into your own computer so that every time you use it, you might find yourself as a constant witness to their ever frustrating and distracting work.

There are also other malicious programs and applications that you may unknowingly or mistakenly attached or downloaded into your computer. These spyware programs can be a problem in a number of ways. There are spyware programs that can monitor your computer use as well as your surfing habits. They can keep an eye on what Internet sites you frequent and what you usually do on your computer. This information is then being recorded and sent to someone else online who might be interested in such data.

There are also other spyware programs that can record your keystrokes and send the information to the spyware author. These recorded keystrokes will be able to provide computer hackers with a wealth of valuable information such as secret passwords, credit card numbers as well as email addresses.

This type of spyware program can make it easy for hackers to retrieve such sensitive personal information that can be used at your own expense. Other spyware programs can scan files on your hard drive secretly, attach other spyware programs into your computer, install and lock its own brand of web browser and many other malicious things.

In order for you to prevent these malicious programs from getting into your hard drive, you may need to have an anti spyware and adware program installed. An anti spyware and adware programs work by trying to block unwanted programs trying to get access into your computer.

Whenever a certain malicious program tries to get its way into your computer, the anti spyware program becomes your primary weapon against such unwanted applications. Anti adware and spyware programs usually have a database of known malicious programs that enable them to identify spyware or adware and block them out from your computer. These useful programs may also have removal tools available that may help you get rid of malicious spyware or adware that may have gotten through your computer in some way.

Free Spyware Removal 2

Why Free Spyware Removal Tools are Offered

People today believe that nothing in life is free. They believe that everything has a cost. In a sense, they are correct. This is because even though some products today are offered to people without any financial cost, the fact remains that these products do ask for something in exchange. The reality of life is that nothing is done without purpose. If a company offers free spyware removal tools, they must have some goal in mind that can be accomplished through doing so.

So why would companies offer free spyware removal tools?

1) Promotional purposes – companies use freebies in order to increase their profit. They believe that offering free spyware removal tools to the public would accomplish one of two things:

a) Help promote the spyware tools – a common tactic that companies make use of today is known as the beta test. Often, companies planning to release new software commercially will try to promoteit by releasing a free version. The user who enjoys the product will then be able to upgrade to a better version once the software is released commercially.

b) Help promote another product – some companies will include free spyware removal software as an incentive when you buy their products. This works when a person is looking for a bargain. By throwing in free spyware removal software, a company will be able to attract more customers to its product. In this case, it is the manufacturer’s intention that a customer should see the virtues of their product. When people begin to take notice of the product, then the company will have the ability to charge cash for it.

2) Educational purposes – free spyware removal tools are often distributed for the purpose of increasing knowledge. The knowledge involved here could either be the manufacturer’s or the user’s. How do they differ?

a) Manufacturer – some manufacturers release free spyware removal tools in order to learn more about the people who use them. They wish to learn about the different features that people look for in a good spyware removal tool. Often, these manufacturers offer free spyware removal tools in exchange for a fair evaluation by the user. By letting the user test the free spyware removal software, manufacturers try to find any kinks in the program.

b) User – users can also learn lots of things through the use of free spyware removal tools. For example, a user who tries free spyware removal software may learn just how many spyware have have managed to penetrate his or her system. In fact, a user could also learn the importance of spyware protection through the use of free spyware removal software. People could be educated as to the different scams that hackers use in order to introduce spyware into a system.

3) Introducing spyware – believe it or not, some spyware creators actually try to disguise their spyware as free spyware removal tools. Many people are duped by this disguise and download spyware into their system. In their eagerness to download free spyware removal software, people unwittingly become victims of the very bane they try to protect themselves from.

Hopefully, this article has taught you about the true cost of free spyware removal tools. In understanding the purpose of different companies for offering this type of service, you will be more aware of whether or not you are willing to pay the cost of something free.