miercuri, 19 ianuarie 2011

Symptoms of a Virus Infection

A lot of today's malware goes to great lengths to avoid notice. But some viruses exhibit symptoms that might as well be a banner advertising the infection. Here are a few of the most common tell-tale symptoms of a virus infection. >> Symptoms of a Virus Infection

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marți, 18 ianuarie 2011

Ransomware Trojan Back with a Vengeance

Ransomware trojans typically encrypt the data on your computer's hard drive and then demand payment to recover the files. Today, Kaspersky Labs has reported the discovery of a new variant of ransomware that's even more insidious than previous versions were. As Vitaly Kamluk of Kaspersky Labs explains, "Unlike the previous variants, it doesn't delete files after encryption. Instead it overwrites data in the files, which makes it impossible to use data-recovery software such as PhotoRec, which we suggested during the last attack."

Your best defense against ransomware trojans is prevention. If you do get infected with this latest variant, the first symptom will be a sudden pop-up from Notepad demanding payment. If you see this, you have only seconds to react. For details on that pop-up and what to do if you see it, visit the Kaspersky Labs blog.

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Data Breaches Galore

Dan Goodin of El Reg has penned quite an interesting background article on a series of recent breaches that have exposed customer data. The breaches include McDonald's, Walgreens, and deviantART but there may be as many as 100 - and all seem to have a common thread. For details, see: Feds Probe '100 Site' Data Breach.

In an unrelated compromise, this past weekend Gawker Media reported a breach of their servers. In the Gawker incident (which included Gawker, Lifehacker, io9, Jalopnik, Kotaku, Deadspin, and Fleshbot), the attackers stole ~1.3 million usernames and passwords used to login to those sites and published them online.

While the passwords were encrypted, the method of encryption was not as strong as it should have been. Weak encryption combined with weak passwords allowed for quick cracking of about a third of the list in a few hours time. An additional 200k were cracked shortly thereafter.

The ease with which this was done is particularly problematic for those who use the same username/password combination across multiple sites. And because the email address was stored along with the username and password for the Gawker accounts, if the same password was used for that email account it could be compromised as well.

Given the expanding risk that can result from a single compromise, it would be nice to see security standards adopted that mandate collecting sites also encrypt stored email addresses. And that strong encryption be required.

In the meantime, you can protect yourself by:

Establishing a junk email account that is only used for supplying an email address for site sign-ins that require it.Ensuring the same password is not used across multiple sites. While remembering dozens of passwords may seem complicated, there are easy tricks you can use to simplify password management.Use strong passwords. Ideally, a password should be 14 characters (or longer) and a mix of alphanumeric characters and symbols, some in caps. This may seem difficult to remember, but there are tips you can follow to keep your passwords close at hand for easy recall but still safe from prying eyes.

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luni, 17 ianuarie 2011

Cum putem sterge fisierele dintr-un PC in functie de data la care au fost create


Atunci cand lucram cu un numar foarte mare de fisiere (indiferent de tipul acestora), implicit ajungem si in situatii in care ori ne incurcam in denumirea acestora, ori pierdem prea mult timp pana gasimfisierele care ne trebuiesc. Pentru a evita astfel de probleme, cel mai indicat este sa ne pastram arhiva curata stergand toate fisierele vechi, de care stim sigur ca nu mai avem nevoie.

Atunci cand dorim sa facem ordine in fisierele stocate pe computer, mai ales in cazul in care acestea au denumiri asemanatoare, este recomandata stergerea acestora in functie de data la care au fost create/downloadate/salvate. Delete by Date este o aplicatie gratuita care ajuta utilizatorii sa scape rapid de datele nefolositoare stocate in sistem, identificarea acestora fiind facuta pe baza unor criterii bine definite:

in functie de data la care au fost create/modificate/accesate (de exemplu, putem sterge toate fisierele create la o anumita data)in functie de perioada in care au fost create/modificate/accesate (cum ar fi toate fisierele accesate intr-un anumit interval de timp/zile)in functie de tipul fisierului (cum ar fi toate fisierele pdf modifcate dupa o anumta data)in functie de dimensiunea (marimea) fisierelor (ex: toate fisierele txt create inainte de o anumita data, cu marimea mai mare/mai mica/egala cu 15KB)


In plus, aplicatia ofera utilizatorilor sai si posibilitatea de a bloca accesul altor persoane la aceasta, pentru a impiedica stergerea fisierelor fara acordul acestora.

Download Delete Files by Date v1.0.

Nota: Aplicatie compatibila cu toate versiunile de Windows XP, Windows Vista si Windows 7.

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New Year; Same Old Security Woes

It's now 2011 and many folks are brimming with resolve to quit some habit, go on a diet, or exercise more. Still others will look to the year ahead and try to predict what comes next for us. But resolutions are made to be broken and even the best intended predictions have a 50% or better chance of not coming true. There are, however, some absolutes. Here's a list of things you can count on happening in 2011.

Some celebrity's Twitter account will be hacked and their tweets will point to malware-laden websites;Someone you don't even know will try to 'friend' you on Facebook so they can spam you with socially engineered malware;A malicious email will pretend to be a breaking news alert;You'll receive a greeting card from a stranger with a link that points to a malicious website;Someone from Nigeria or South Africa will claim a long lost relative or complete stranger has left you lots of money, then ask you to pay some fees in order to receive the (bogus) funds;You'll receive a bogus job offer that promises instant cash with no qualification requirements other than having a bank account and a pulse;You'll receive an email claiming you've won some non-existent Internet lottery - and once again ask you for fees for the (bogus) funds.

This year, make a pact with yourself to not fall victim to yesteryear's social engineering scams. After all, you'll have plenty of other security mishaps to deal with in 2011 without adding getting scammed to the mix. For sure, you can also bet that in 2011:

Search engine trending topics will be repeatedly poisoned with links to malicious websites;Tens of thousands of legitimate websites will be repeatedly compromised;Malicious ads will be repeatedly distributed through bona fide and perfectly innocent websites;New security vulnerabilities will be repeatedly discovered, released, and quickly exploited - often by the same folks that discovered them.

Fortunately, you don't need to reinvent the wheel to protect yourself. Following these 2010 New Years Resolutions will keep you safer in 2011, both online and off.

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duminică, 16 ianuarie 2011

Dezactivare Opera System Tray Icon


Cei care folosesc in mod frecvent internet browser-ul Opera, au observat probabil ca odata cu lansarea versiunii Opera 11 pentru Windows, a aparut "by default" si iconita "Opera" in system tray atunci cand deschidem browser-ul.

Opera System Tray Icon

Pana la aceasta versiune, iconita Opera din system tray era optionala. Fiecare utilizator o putea activa sau dezactiva din setarile browser-ului.

Cum putem elimina iconita de la Opera din system tray – Disable Opera System Tray Icon

Daca va deranjeaza aceasta iconita in system tray, atunci va trebui sa urmati cativa pasi foarte simpli pentru a scapa de ea.

1. In primul rand va trebui sa deschideti Opera browser si in address bar (bara unde de regula tastam adresele site-urilor) sa tastati:


Apasati Enter si se va deschide "Preferences Editor". De aici aveti acces la toate setarile browser-ului. Mult mai multe decat cele oferite de meniu.

2. In bara de search "Quick find", tastati "tray" si o sa apara automat optiunea "Show Tray Icon". Debifati casuta din dreptul ei, apoi click pe "Save".

Disable Opera System Tray Icon 

3. Inchideti si redeschideti browser-ul pentru a se aplica modificarea facuta.

save settings Opera

Dupa repornire o sa observati ca iconita Opera din system tray a disparut.


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Repara sistemele afectate de virusi cu Re-Enable (Windows only)


Utilizatorii Windows care nu au avut niciodata probleme cu virusii, trojanii si alte animale gen cel mai probabil sunt o specie pe cale de disparitie sau, ceva mai plauzibil, nu au mai mult de cateva ore (si deja e mult) de cand au facut cunostinta pentru prima data cu un computer. Restul de utilizatori, care au fost vizitati de cel putin doua ori de diverse tipuri de malware (pentru ca si cei vizitati o singura data tot pe cale de disparitie sunt) stiu cat de dificil este sa salvezi un sistem dupa ce acesta a fost virusat. Chiar daca musafirii nepoftiti sunt identificati si “evacuati”, de cele mai multe ori lasa in urma lor registrii afectati si fisiere de sistem corupte care pot da mare bataie de cap. Si cum luarea la mana a fiecaruia dintre acestia este extrem de migaloasa si stresanta, de cele mai multe ori se opteaza pentru o reinstalare de Windows.

Re-Enable este o aplicatie gratuita, disponibila si sub forma de installer si portabila, cu ajutorul careia userii care au sistemele afectate de virusi pot reactiva majoritatea tool-urilor si a functiilor vitale pentru Windows:

Windows RegistryCommand Line ToolWindows Task ManagerSystem Restore ConfigFolder OptionsRun commandMy ComputerTask SchedulerRight Click Context menuMsConfig (valabil doar pentru XP)Control PanelSearch


De asemenea Re-Enable permite scanarea, editarea si stergerea fisierelor Autorun.inf, modificarea fisierelor de protocol, a hosturilor, a retelelor, a atributelor  folderelor si a statusului serviciilor de sistem; ajuta la repararea iconurilor corupte de pe Desktop sau a background-urilor acestuia; repara problemele de Startup a explorer.exe; afiseaza partitiile ascunse etc.


In concluzie, chiar daca momentan noul antivirus nu v-a dezamagit sau ati invatat sa fiti mai precauti, iar Windowsul vostru nu “sufera” de nici o boala, nu strica sa tineti Re-Enable pe aproape pentru orice eventualitate. V-ar putea salva de o reinstalare fortata a sistemului de operare si de ceva timp pierdut. ;)

Download Re-Enable.

Nota: Re-Enable nu tine loc de antivirus, scanner antimalware sau orice alt software de acest gen. Inainte sa folositi aceasta aplicatie pentru a repara diverse componente Windows corupte/defecte, asigurati-va ca ati identificat cauzele problemelor si ca ati curatat deja computerul de virusii care l-au bagat la reanimare.

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